If you are not thinking about or doing Job Function Email List anything to generate passive income, that is - money that you earn that is not directly linked to an exchange for your Job Function Email List time, then you might consider Job Function Email List one or more of these avenues to take your business to the next level. How can you leverage those tele classes Job Function Email List you lead? Can you videotape yourself next time you are in front of the room leading a meeting or training session? Job Function Email List Can you find a colleague to interview you on video or by Job Function Email List telephone line that is then recorded and put into an MP3 file that folks can download from your website?
Have you written a book or been meaning to? Can you take Job Function Email List the materials that you have created for various client Job Function Email List engagements and link them together somehow into a workbook or monograph that you can sell? Do all your products and services support a common vision, purpose, or set of values that you stand for? Where are you Job Function Email List not accountable to yourself for what you and your business stand for and how can diversifying your revenue streams support that? No matter where you are in your coaching Job Function Email List business, there will come a time when you wonder what's next. Choosing which door to open next requires some reflection and inquiry.
Often, the door we choose appears to be locked. We can momentarily see what's possible, and then upon setting out to achieve it we find obstacles and hurdles to overcome. Perhaps the key to opening the locked door is one of the ten keys described above? Job Function Email List I invite you to engage in a dialogue to raise the level of financial literacy and business acumen of our profession such that coaching businesses continue to grow and thrive in the global market.